Psoriasis VS Eczema. What Is the Difference?

Psoriasis VS Eczema. What Is the Difference?

Due to their likeliness, psoriasis and eczema are often hard to distinguish between. If you have a dry skin condition, it’s important to correctly idenitfy the type of skin condition in order to properly treat and manage your condition. Below we break down the key identifiers of psoriasis and eczema.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease, typically characterised by raised itchy skin plaques. These plaques are usually red and itchy, and are covered with thick silvery scales. Psoriasis is most commonly found on the knees, elbows and scalp but it can also affect the nails and legs.

What is Eczema

Eczema, otherwise known as atopic dermatitis is also a chronic skin condition. Someone who suffers from eczema has a gene variation that affects the skin’s ability to protect it from bacteria and allergens. This results in the skin overreacting to certain triggers such as dust, skin care products, detergents, animals etc.

Eczema is most common in children under the age of 5, but may continue into adolescent years or adulthood. When someone experiences eczema, patches of skin may become red, inflamed, itchy or cracked. This is often accompanied by hay fever or asthma. Weeping can also occur, but this is usually a sign of infection.

Eczema can occur anywhere on the body and is characterised by intense itching.

Psoriasis treatment

As each individual may experience different symptoms or types of psoriasis, they will also require different treatments. We highly recommend consulting a doctor before commencing treatment. A dermatologist will conduct testing on a case by case basis, depending on the severity and location on the body.

Generally speaking, it is highly recommended that the use of moisturisers and bath treatments are used. These treatments will relieve skin dryness, reduce redness and soothe the skin plaques. Many over the counter topical ointments contain chemicals that can result in long-term side effects. This is why we suggest a natural treatment such as our Psoriasis Cream that will nurture your skin.

Natural Psoriasis cream that has helped many relieve their symptoms of psoriasis

Eczema treatment

While there is no cure for eczema, there are topical emollient creams we can use to manage our symptoms and relieve discomfort. In most cases, a doctor will prescribe a corticosteroid pharmaceutical drugs for eczema. This can be a great short-term solution, however the long-term use can have a negative impact on your skin. Some of these include increased skin sensitivity, thinner skin, bruising and weight gain.

We suggest using a natural treatment, as it will look after your skin in the long run. Our C+ Eczema Cream used in conjunction with Body & Bath Oil will work to strengthen the skin barrier, hydrate the skin and fight inflammation.

The key thing to note is know your triggers! This will help to manage the condition and avoid a flare of our symptoms.


Eczema Treatment through a body oil Eczema cream australia for eczema relief

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