We love receiving feedback from our customers!
This is why we love what we do every day!
Here is our latest customer success story.....

Rosacea Cream
"I've never done this for a product before but I just had to let you know your rosacea cream has changed my life...I was so depressed about having tried all the moisturisers on the market and they made my skin worse...I ended up not using any for two years....still having dry, red skin. Your cream has done wonders for my skin and self esteem, I can find so much more joy in my day without this worry. Bottom of my heart thank you so much you legends"
Thank you!
"Your C+ cream has had unbelievably great effect on my skin issues and now my children’s, so congratulations to your company for putting together a world class product... that truly works."
Amazing products
"Hi Geoff Thank you for these amazing products. They have had a huge impact on two of my favourite guys. My husband has suffered from psoriasis since childhood. In the last 3 days this product had eased the severity of the current breakout significantly. This evening I had to remind him to use the cream for a second time today. He had forgotten all about the itching. Today is the first time in months that my German Shepherd Dyson has not once bitten the skin on his back. Yesterday I doused him in the derma cream because it was too uncomfortable for him to allow me to look through the fur and find the sore spots. Today he let me go through the fur and I was able to treat a couple of hot spots. He’s spent a cold Melbourne day lazing comfortably in front of the fire with none of the usual discomfort he experiences. I have now ordered your diabetes product for my dad. Thank you again "
Thank you!
"Hi Geoff, thank you for your email. It's nice to hear back from people we buy from. I do have eczema but it is under control. The reason I started using your shampoo and conditioner is because my scalp had a terrible outbreak of a serious flaky scalp and extremely itchy. None of the usual treatments were working this time. When I had an outbreak before the Dr prescribed Exorex but it is no longer available here. I saw something about your products on TV a while ago so looked at your website. It sounded very good so I thought I would give the shampoo a try. I have to say that it did help almost immediately, within a couple of days the terrible itching stopped and gradually the flakiness subsided. I have been using it now for a few months and I am very happy with it. Together with the conditioner my scalp is very good and my hair feels lovely and soft, shiny and silky. I have very fine hair. There is still a tiny bit of flakiness, like fine dandruff but nothing to worry about. As you would probably know from experience with people that an extremely itchy and irritated scalp is very annoying and embarrassing as you keep having to touch your scalp because of the irritation. I am a few years above 60 and have had eczema all my life but right now I am very happy with my skin. I ordered the bath oil this time as well so I'll use that after my shower. Thank you for creating this product and I'm sure it helps many people of all ages. "
Scalp relief!
"I just want to tell you about my experience with your products. I have been suffering an itchy scalp for years, spent a fortune on expensive shampoo but still had an irritated scalp. Each year I would get a breakout of cracked skin at the back of my head, weeping and awful. My daughter bought the dermatitis cream, I was itchy and irritated I got a bit off her and rubbed it into my scalp. I left it overnight and then washed my hair with my usual shampoo. The result was amazing. The irritation settled by about 95%. This got me interested so I purchased the shampoo and conditioner which I used this morning. I have had about 80% reduction in flaking and I’m amazed. I do not usually write about products, but to not constantly scratch at my head is wonderful. "
Eczema cream relief
"Good Afternoon, Thank you for your email. I have been suffering eczema on my chest, near my neck since recovering from a spider bite in November last year. Your cream has stopped flare ups straight away and has been a life saver on my personal image. Although there is some scarring on my skin from the bite, the cream itself has stopped anything else from being damaged. I honestly can't thank you enough. Also the lip balm is so good! "
The Magic Cream
"When I was young, I was listed in NZ’s medical journals as the most allergic person in the country. My entire body from feet to face was caked in unsightly scabs from eczema. At night, socks were tied to my hands in an effort to stop me scratching in my sleep. Each morning, my limbs and buttocks would be stuck to the schemers with dried blood. Life was hell and the other kids shunned me. I was a scarred, bleeding, freak with deep weeping wounds. I’m now 52 and have raised two kids of my own. We have been using Graham’s eczema cream since we discovered it in 2005.m and in our circles we refer to it as ‘The Magic Cream’. Over the years, I have bought literally hundreds of tubes to give to total strangers who I see suffering as I did. I then check on them two weeks later and witness the pure joy of seeing a person free from a totally treatable ailment. I have not seen any other product so what this can do. I’ve spoken with Geoff Graham personally a couple of times to thank him for the life-changing product he has created. He wouldn’t recall those phone calls as I have never met him personally; I’m just a devoted customer who is happy that this is a natural product that WORKS and is home grown. What few people know is that the company’s sunscreen is also coral reef friendly. That means you can wear it and not kill the lungs of the sea; they next great export for Graham’s if you ask me! Thank you everyone at Graham’s for making these products and helping people like my children and myself live normal lives. "
Psoriasis relief
"Hello! I am originally come from a small island in the Indian ocean named Mauritius. When I migrated from Mauritius to Australia, all of a sudden I developed Psoriasis on the sole of my feet. My doctor said it could be stress but I know my moms family has a long history of skin problems. No matter what I would do or use, impossible to get it under control. I came across your product a year ago on the Chemist Warehouse shelf. We were in Knox City Shopping Centre. The instructions and label were so clear that I bought one for a trial. and I must say that the Psoriasis Cream works perfectly; it's like a dream.. My sole are now normal, no psoriasis but I do tend to keep applying in summer as well. I notice that with me, the summer is the worst but winter kind of dies it down. After using your product, my skin is back to its normal self and it's incredibly satisfying. I want to say a huge thank you. I just bought a couple of products online for trial. THANK YOU! "
Rosacea relief
"Hi Geoff, I bought your rosacea cream earlier in the month and I must let you know that after suffering with this condition for 30 years I have never had such amazing results!! I can’t wait ti tell my dermatologist about your excellent product. I don’t have psoriasis but my skin is getting more and more itchy as I get older. Thought I would try your cream for this. Would love to hear of some hints from you to manage this Many Thanks Angela "
"I tried your shampoo for the first time today. It was the best experience I've had using a natural shampoo for the first time. Natural shampoos are either too heavy and oily and don't clean well or they leave my hair dry and full of static. Your shampoo is perfect and hasn't left me feeling itchy. I've become allergic to the shampoo I've been using for a few years so I'm hoping my dermatitis clears up. I have to wash my hair everyday so I wish you had bigger bulk sized bottles, making the cost cheaper and better for the environment due to less packaging. Regards. Janice"
C+ Eczema cream
"Only questions I have is, I have just purchased the C+ Eczema & Psoriasis Relief Cream. This is a daily staple for me for the last number of years and has been very effective in controlling my Rosacea. Is this product going to continue to be produced ongoing. I love it, however you recently had to withdraw your sun cream from your range which was another staple in my skin regime. If there is any likelihood of the C+ cream not being produced in the future, I would love to know in advance so I can bulk purchase. Apologies for the invasiveness of the question, however your products have made a massive difference to my life. Having an unsightly skin condition, particularly on the face can really be upsetting and your products have eliminated for me what was once a very impacting condition. "
Psoriasis cream
"Back in December i got sun burnt on a day out and following the burn was a strange rash like area on several parts of my skin. i visited many doctors who all couldn’t give me an answer, i went to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with trauma induced psoriasis. we tried many harsh creams on my skin such as acid tar cream as well and strong steroid cream which cleared it up slightly however it was still there and noticeable. a family member of my stumble across your Facebook and told me. i like to try and be as natural as possible so i bought a few of your items, after about a week of using the psoriasis cream i found that it began to work. today i still have very slight dots but no where near what it was 6 months ago."
Thank you, again
"Hi Geoff It was an amazing experience using our 1st tube of C+ Eczema cream. After 1 to 2 weeks, my son's eczema condition improved and his skin was not as rough as before. Like they say, slowly and surely :) I am definitely recommending it to my family and friends. Hence my repeated purchase. Looking forward to more healthy skin journey with you, thank-you! "
Best natural skin care!
"Hi Geoff, Thank you for your wonderful products, I found them in my local Chemist Warehouse, I have been using Body wash, oil and moisturiser for a few weeks now and I am astounded at the improvement in my skin, I do not have eczema or dermatitis but extremely dry pale delicate skin and have tried numerous products some very expensive over the years with minimal results. I have noticed big changes in the elasticity, texture and colour of my skin, huge improvement in lines and redness on my face. Cant recommend them highly enough! Thanks again, Amanda "
Thank you!
"Hi Geoff, I have actually been using your product for a month now but been actually buying it at my local chemist warehouse. I have read a lot of your tips and trick on the website and i am still just experimenting what works for me. So far the product works well in relieving my eczema but unfortunately due to my history of long term use of topical steroid it won't be going away soon. Right not I am using the body and bath oil during my shower along with the C+ and it does show sufficient improvement compare to other product i have used (such as moogoo, dermaveen, QV, ego). So far your product seems to work better and the other brand were a bit harsh of the chemical they used(minus moogoo). My body is currently flaring up due to the usual season change and was wondering whether if you were planning to restock the 240g option. I used it religiously throughout the day for my whole body so i have gone through a few 120g tubs already. Looking forward to continue using your products, Kind regards, Billy "
"Hello, Just wanted to let you know that I'm a psoriasis sufferer and have tried many different products over the years. I saw a promo of your products and decided to try the Psoriasis Cream. I am totally amazed at how good this cream is and I will continue to use it. I'm also using the Natural Body Wash. Amazing products!! Many thanks - Julie "
Thank you!
"Hi Mr Graham... My Mumma has written to you about my skin. Here I am helping put your cream on. Thank you for such a good product to keep my skin healthy. Josie "
Thank you!
"Good morning Geoff Seriously, seriously AMAZING! My husband has the worst scalp and trying to get him to go to the doctor let alone a skin doctor is impossible. So lol a bit of self diagnosis but I swear he has Psoriasis. Soo i started googling Shampoo that would be able to treat it and your web page was like the 5th to come up BUT since we share the same surname i clicked on your link and then proceeded to cry about how you created a whole range of products for your child. That was just so lovely to read. And i knew my husband would use it cause it said Graham LOOLOLLOLO I ordered it yesterday morning and it arrived yesterday afternoon and my husband used it last night. Considering his head was ANGRY Red and chunks of skin were falling off his scalp to him getting out of the shower and his scalp was normal! and even this morning his scalp is completely normal and not itchy. GONE is that angry redness and chucks of skin falling off in patches. He is very happy and im soo very impressed! Thank you for making a product that works and is natural. I truly appreciate it!! Have a great day and we will definitely be back for more products! "
My daughters skin
"Hi Geoff... I emailed a while ago regarding my daughter, Josie now 7 months skin. I just wanted to say how we continue to be impressed with your products. I have had another follow up with the paediatrian today and took the sooth it balm in to show her what we use in flare ups and before swimming or going out in windy weather. She put some on her skin and was impressed on how moisturising it was. A friend of mine also emailed the other day with a photo of her 8 week old daughters face. I said it looked like ezecema not milk pimples. She saw a GP and it was ezecema. I got her onto your products and she is impressed. I religiously use the kids ezecema cream morning and night and the sooth it balm on Josies face before and after swimming plus in flare ups and I feel so confident as a parent that I am doing the right thing by her so thank you once again for such an amazing product. Jen "
Rosacea cream - Love, Love, Love!
"Hi there Geoff, Very rare that any company would take the time or care to follow-up with such personalised care information, regardless of it being a personal email or auto response. I was actually planning to reach out to you to share my story (I dont do social media for a number of reasons, primarily I prefer to fly under the radar personally and professionally) and thank you for the what you have done to meticulously develop products for people with problematic skin care. Cutting through a life long story of bouts of dermatitis (contact and hive) and over bursts of facial acne rosacea - I was struck with a very severe round of acne rosacea end of 2018-early 2019. Again, cutting through a long story of consultations (natural and western medicine), I was passing through Chemist Warehouse early 2019 and stopped to read your family story on your product packaging - something I would not normally do and especially as I was looking for a body wash (was not aware at the time you manufactured one). Was so impressed, story resonate with me, I bought the Rosacea Cream and within 2 days my skin was healing, within 10 days acne (combined with diet) was gone. I have used the product daily now for 12 months, love, love love it and whilst I probably dont have need to use it currently I love the calming and anti-red/inflammatory affect of it. If I feel heat, I apply it and it is gone immediately. It changed my life, my outlook and well being. Suffice to say I wanted to try body wash etc., and could only find the body soap (which I also love, love, love) which has led me on line to look for body wash/other products which retail are not carrying. I have shared the product details with colleagues and people I also know with problematic skin. Thank you for these beautiful products and for the care and kindness you extend to your customers. Kind regards, Megan "
Here are some of our before/after pictures sent into us by customers.